My editing experience is in both print and digital. I regularly edit master candidates’ research papers, theses, and doctoral dissertations, business letters, and books-in-progress, and have also worked with pharmaceutical companies to edit monographs and other product information. Currently, I edit clinical content as an independent contractor for a healthcare communications company. My approach to editing is often as a wordcrafter, helping to polish my client’s ideas while staying true to his or her individual voice with attention to issues such as grammar, sentence structure, and narrative flow. Focusing on the integrity of my client’s writing is important to me since it is an expression of that person. I have worked with students ranging in age from elementary school to postgraduate, as well as with many people for whom English is a second language.
One of my proudest editing moments was when I took a client’s 100 pages of stream-of-consciousness copy, edited it, rewrote parts, and organized it into a book with a prologue, chapters, and an epilogue without ever changing the author’s voice.
More recently, I assisted Sphere First Publishing with Descent into Chaos: A Memoir by Robin Cunningham. April Zay, my Poetry Takes Flight collaborator, created the compelling cover art and book design, and I was senior editor and project manager. The book is an unflinching and gripping memoir that has readers join 13-year-old Robin on his visceral journey through the harrowing experience of schizophrenia’s onset. People who have read it claim that they couldn’t put it down and are waiting for the sequel!
Highly Skilled Professional with a Strong Record of Excellence